Injured paraglider at Hármashatár-hegy (in Buda hills)

Magyar Barlangi Mentőszolgálat Cave Rescue Siklóernyő mentés Hármashatár-hegy Paraglider

A paraglider suffered a rough landing after the take off his flight in Buda - in front of the Hármashatár-hegy airport (mainly small and glider planes). He slammed around 50 m lower his start point – into a middle of a stony and bushy brae. His mates immediately warned the Hungarian Cave Rescue Service (BMSZ) on its dedicated number (+ 36 30 79 70 79) at 13:30 on the sunny Sunday.

The alarm centre of BMSZ alarmed the central division – the fastest members reached the injured at a bit later then 2pm and immediately started the medical attendance of him. The medical staff of the cave rescue service did his medical examination, upgrade for transport – then handed over for transport the other division of the rescue service, who was presented by 17 members by that time.

The action leader decided to take him uphill to the starting point, fixed to a special stretcher: as the injured paraglider had strong pain and there was a risk of a backbone break as well.

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Paragliding landing on a tree in the wood of Óbuda

Paragliding landing on a tree in the wood of Óbuda

March 6, 2022. The early afternoon the emergency phone rang. On the other side of the line is a parachute pilot, who hang on the tree in the wooded part of Óbuda (this is the 3rd district of Budapest).

Fortunately, she was not injured, but she was hanging on a 30 feets high on the tree, and unable to come down on her own.

Some minutes later we sent an alert to the Tree Rescue Forces, for which four rescuers soon applied.

Gábor Berta was the nearly and he started immediatly.

Gábor arrived at the scene with the equipment about 1 hour after the accident. The pilot lady sent her position on Google Maps, so it was not so difficult to find her in the dense forest.

She hung on a storm-damaged oak tree, about 30 feets high. The parachute was tangled in the dense shoots of the broken tree.

Luckilly the pilot was not stuck and could move her limbs. After the rescue the second task was the parachute untying from the tree. The cord was tangled but in the end the parachute was released step by step without any destruction.

Paraglider rescue in Csolnok


The son of the paraglider in trouble provided the following information from the ground: the paraglider is stuck about 6-8 meters high, has no injuries, is hanging approximately 2 m far from the trunk of a thicker tree, but unable to reach it. They could not provide their GPS coordinates.

In the meantime, we sent a longer ladder to the location.

We still could not get the GPS coordinates of the victim, but we received the phone number of the person who was there, which we shared with the cave rescuers who were on their ways.

In the forest we used a ute to get to the paraglider. We got to the troubled person before 5 pm and upon finishing the rescue process we lowered the paraglider safe to the ground, before 6 pm.

Another paragliding rescue on Kétágú Hill

2019 ketagu21 p.m on 29th of September, an alert recieved from a paraglider in serious trouble on the crown of a beech tree at the top of Kétágú Hill (Pilis, Klastrompuszta).

Our man could get out of his paraglider without injury and climb out among the tree branches. He was close to 30 meter high on the beech tree, and he recognised that the lowest branch of the tree is  about 15 meters high from the land, so he wisely decided not to try to climb down the tree.

He was able to send accurate coordinates by SMS, and the location can be reached about the Two Bükkfa Saddles away 1 km from by car and about 400 m by SUV.

Arriving at the place, it turned out that this incident was about 50 meters from the place from which a parachute was successfully lowered in July.

Last minute paragliding rescue near Kesztölc

2019kesztolcernyos1On 20th July 2019, a parachuter alerted the Cave Rescue trapped in a tree. We kept in touch with him by phone. He said he was somewhere near Kesztölc about 20 meters high, and he could not come down on his own.

Two member of Cave Rescue live closest to the scene departed first by car and then put the necessary equipment in their backpacks and hiked to the sufferring one.

The paraglider was able to send GPS coordinates, so it was relatively easy to find. Without the coordinated the search would have been significantly more difficult. Arriving at the scene, it turned out that it is in a rather unfortunate place, surrounded by rotten trees. Reaching him requires serious rope technology solutions.

In the meantime, it is completely dark. In these case our high-performance caveman headlamps are always useful.
