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Blood donation again

2018veradasOn November 30, 2018, we organized the second blood donation event. Here are the brief results:

34 main blood donors X 4.5 dl of blood taken = 15.3 liters of blood (3 people).

This is how we were able to WORK TOGETHER to help those who were in a difficult situation! Thank you for every participant, we hope to see you all next year! For those who like more detail: This year, 34 of the 36 registered participants were able to donate blood. 5 of them were new blood donors, they are registered separately because they consider it important that those who do not yet have experience in this field have come and will probably return if everything goes well, ie they get into the system.

Common cave rescue training in the Devil’s Hole Cave

2018Solymar1The usual great cave rescue training during fall was held in the Devil’s Hole Cave in Solymár this year. Also we excersized near the entrance on the surface. We practiced the handling and transport of the stretcher in several groups. In addition to the members of the Hungarian Cave Rescue Service, the members of the Bakony Cave Rescue Service, the Northern Hungarian Association of Cave Rescuers, the firefighters of the 1st District of Disaster Management also joined and practiced together.

We also gained a wealth of useful experience in performing tasks that seemed simple at first glance.

More pictures CLICK HERE can be found on our facebook page.

Cave rescue training for women

Gyakorlat a sziklafalon

4 members of the Hungarian Cave Rescue Service attended an international cave rescue training course specifically for women at the invitation of the Cave Rescue Service of Slovenia (Jamarska Reševalna Služba). The course was being held from 24 June to 1 July, 2018 in Scezna, Slovenia.


In addition to the Hungarian delegation, cave rescue women (and some lucky men) from Germany, Switzerland, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Turkey and Ukraine also came to the training.

The aim of the training was on the one hand to share and deepen the knowledge of rope technique used for rescue (which is becoming more and more uniform throughout Europe), on the other hand to transfer the knowledge that enabled women who might be physically weaker than their male counterparts to participate effectively in a rescue.

Rescue exercise in the Mecsek Mountains in the spring of 2018

A "sérült" lába begipszelveOur first semester rescue practice was organized on the weekend of June 2-3, 2018, after consultations and obtaining permits, in the Spiral Cave of the Mecsek Mountains. We had training in this cave before. The exciting cave has put us to the test again with its heavy narrows, narrow stream branch, and serious pit system.


Our regional unit in southern Hungary went fist to the cave, with a doctor and medical equipment, took care of the injured and kept him warm. A command point was set up on the surface where the rescue work was organized and directed. The central rescue team and the other regional units arrived to the rescue scene in several groups. We have built our cave phone system as well as rigged the rope work for vertical transportation.

15th National First Aid Competition

2018 euismeretiverseny

Online First Aid Competition for 3-12 grade students.

The National Ambulance Service and the Foundation for First Aid Education are announcing their national first aid competition for the 15th time.

Teams of 3 must first test their knowledge in the online rounds, followed by the accident simulation tasks.

Details by clicking here!

Those who are not yet familiar with First Aid but would like to learn it, are also welcome to apply!

The professional partner of the competition is the Hungarian Cave Rescue Service.

We wish everyone good racing!

Santa Claus on the strecher

Ajándékot oszt a mikulásCave tours for injured children from five special institutions took place for 6 weeks from Halloween to Santa Claus, organized by the Verocs Movement and Experience Therapy Department and with the participation of the Hungarian Cave Rescue Service.

About the background: In the summer of 2017, thanks to the support of many enthusiastic internet voters, we became the winners of the DM-Together for Each other competition, so our "Be a Cave Rescuer" program could be executed.

Thanks to the support, the children were able to get acquainted with the cave rescue stretcher and our rescue equipment. The most popular equipment was the rescue triangle: the ladder climbing was substituted with vertical movement with the help of the rescue triangle- This was received with a wide smile.
